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Primary Logo
Use when introducing the Gabi Solutions brand and/or company name
Primary Logo
Use when introducing the Gabi Solutions brand and/or company name
Primary Logo
Use when introducing the Gabi Solutions brand and/or company name
Primary Logo
Use when introducing the Gabi Solutions brand and/or company name

See for Yourself. It's No Competition.
Compare the benefits of digital business cards to paper or NFC cards and the choice is clear. Digital business cards from Vision-e deliver more value, security, and versatility than any other form of contact sharing.
Switching Pays for Itself
In most cases, the switch from paper or NFC cards to digital business cards pays for itself.
Companies spend an average of $64 per employee annually on paper business cards. Most are never used, thrown away, or go out of date requiring a new order.
DBCs are always up to date and can be easily edited to accommodate job changes or new contact information.
Save as much as
Going Digital Preserves Natural Resources
Advance your Environmental Stewardship Program and showcase your commitment to the environment with digital business cards.
DBCs don’t consume paper or use chemical inks, dyes, and finishes like traditional business cards. And with 27 million business cards printed EACH DAY, that’s a lot of waste.

Protect Your Contact Data and Protect Yourself.

In 2022, U.S. companies suffered over over $2.7 billion in adjusted losses to Business Email Compromise, a sophisticated scam that targets individuals and businesses.
Paper and NFC cards are easily lost or stolen, increasing the odds your contact information will be exposed to hackers.
Digital Business Cards reside securely on your phone, so they're less prone to compromise and give you more control over sharing your contact information.

Broadcast Your Brand
Branding keeps your company top of mind and relays trust and confidence when it's time to buy.
With SCAN's intuitive app builder, you put your brand front and center every time you share your contact information. Easily make SCAN your own with your company's logo and livery.
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